Monday, November 17, 2008

State Championships

Mudddy eh????

My new car for cyclocross

Glenn's new dope salsa with disc brakes

I think that is Whiskey........not a good choice

Steph with her trophy from the race

Do not trust this man with your liver

The 2008 Obra and Cross crusade cyclocross championships in Portland was another rousing weekend. We stayed with Glen and he also had a fun but eventful race ( had to pit at his car for bike number 2) Steph and Rob and Dan did well running and riding through a lot of mud. How did I do at the race you ask???? Well it all started with the phrase "lets start drinking early" on Saturday. Now the key was we were going to start early and end early so we would get a good nights sleep and be fresh for the race............i admit it, I GOT GLENNED. Glen has this super Jedi mind trick to make you drink More than you normally would, there is no force here just Jedi mind tricks I tell you.....As I slept in the truck ion the way to the course it was clear I was likely not going to race as I was not feeling good. I did not recall certain stories of the night before told by everyone and low and behold when I went to take race pics the memory card was full and I went to review the pics to be deleted and recorded was many late night party shots conforming......I HAD BEEN GLENNED. Oh well I do not do that but a time or two a year and I am a big boy and nobody forced it down the ol pie hole so nobody to blame but myself though as the races ran through horse shit infested met in an equine arena i felt a little warm and fuzzy not having to do that and staying clean. I do have the nationals in December to race at so the season is not quite done yet........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. I had a pretty muddy race this weekend too, but unfortunately (or fortunately for my liver) there was no booze involved.