Friday, March 25, 2011

good feedback on Swim

Comment from Brett on last vid:

First off, the fact that you're doing flip turns makes me feel like I've snorted unicorn dust. YES!

Now, here's what I see:

1. Your lower half isn't in the video, so we can't tell if your legs are high enough. Gotta shoot and share it again.

2. You're swimming too stiffly, thinking about form too much. Relax and FLOW. (and speed it up)

3. You're looking down too far. Look a little more forward. All this "Total Immersion" stuff is, in Brett Sutton's words - "A bunch of shit." He's the world's best swimming and tri coach, so he knows what he's saying.

4. Reduce the amount you think about executing somebody else's idea of perfect form and focus on the most power delivery per amount of oxygen you can suck down. Swim at a faster clip and keep experimenting with the ratio of force to breathing until you nail it.

5. Send all your money to Coach Brett in Texas. ;) Thank you.

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