So we went up and climbed about 1000 feet of vertical, no wind, sun was coming up...but snow was a little firm. No complaints since it was the first turns of the season. Got to the top of Red chair and decided the run with the best coverage was on Thunderbird. This is usually a run I avoid as most tourists are here and I stick to the back areas. But the mountain had not opened for opening day yet so a nicely groomed firm snow. The turns were nice. I realized ( and so did Rob ) t hat the running must have helped the ski fitness as no Quad burn. A nice way to start the day.
Off to work and sat behind the ol lap top for hours ( a peek into www.triscoop.com ) here and there. Went off to the pool and swam for only 500 meters as I had to run an errand as well but figured some quality drill practice was better than skipping it.
That night we had a our friend Stephanie come over with her son Ryder( wife and son of training partner Rob) to watch the munchkin as my wife Isis and I went out for a drink and then to a social gathering at the public library.....what?? How boring???? I am on the Bend advisory board and have been for 7 years and when I think library I think worlds of possibilities and information. When I could not swim last year it WAs the first place I went to find books video and drool over bikes in triathlete magazine so the world of the library has always been a very cool place to me.
So we get to the invitation only event for a book reveal where the library reveals a book for a program called "a novel idea" where the purchase like 500 book copies of the same book so everyone can read the same book at the same time and then discus it and they usually have the author come and do a reading an discus it. Kind of the Oprah book club on a local level. The book in the past have not really grabbed my interest but I will likely read them in future. So we all had a few gin and tonics and I had a gin on the rocks,,,,,,,I am telling you a rocking library!!!! ( they only serve alcohol at these events but nice eh???..................
the book was revealed........"BOWERMAN" By Kenny Moore. WOW!!!!! a book about the co-founder of NIKE??? Written by Olympic marathon runner KENNY MOORE???? And he is here to talk to tonight??? Holy smokes...right up my alley!!!! This is awesome. I do get a little excited about books. So then there is this raffle and they were giving away a bottle of wine, some hand made soaps and 5 autographed books.
I WON WON WON...I actually won something. I got the last book and had the author sign it...how cool. I chatted with him about racing in the marathon in Mexico city and had told him I had trained for my marathon there as half my family lives in Mexico city. I asked if it was harder racing a marathon in Mexico city ( training wise...) and he looked at me and said..." oh...lots and lots of acclamatization and conditioning" and you could see the look on his face go back to the time and say "it was hard"
so I may not have been eligible for a new BMC bike in the raceathlete contest as I am racing IM Canada and not Wisconsin but I got a book. I bet the BMC bike is not even signed by the makers so there....but if anyone would like to trade the book for the bike please email me and we can talk about it :)
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